You can now make one-time or RECURRING tax-deductible (tax ID #83-4603851) donations here on our website, just click the above link to donate now!

Feel free to browse all of our financial filings. Every year we submit all of our annual financials with the IRS, MN Attorney General, & MN Secretary of State.
The same information is submitted to each of them, & the MN Attorney Generals office posts the information online much sooner & in a less confusing format than the IRS & you can find it HERE (click here).

Here’s a summary of the most recent fiscal year:
During the most recent fiscal year (May 2022-April 2023) we raised $83,367.

$60,935 was spent on our charitable work, $2,483 was spent on administrative expenses, & $12,370 was spent on fundraising expenses.

We will NEVER save personal your information on any list unless you explicitly ask us to & even then we will never share it with anyone.
You won’t even get a receipt or thank you note from us unless you ask for it…that’s how much we respect your privacy & are committed to not putting you on lists without permission.
If you want added to our email list or want a paper receipt send a note with your online donation or email us at communitydrivenmn(at)gmail(dot)com

Community Driven is a registered 501(c)3 tax-exempt charitable nonprofit.

Before the epidemic 99% of our fundraising happened through door-to-door fundraising, which we suspended indefinitely half way through March of 2020. Since then, our operations have grown considerably. We are rescuing more food & supplies than ever and getting it to some of the most at-risk and needy people in the Twin Cities. We need your support more than ever. Please consider making a donation if you can.

To make sure that 100% of your donation goes to Community Driven you can avoid credit card processing fees by donating by check.

Make checks payable to “Community Driven” & mail them to:

Community Driven
64 Melbourne Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

We are a small and somewhat new nonprofit, but our small group has decades of experience in the local Nonprofit sector, especially food justice and supporting the arts. We’ve learned from the other nonprofit organizations we’ve worked with and for, and we’ve realized that the best way for us to make an impact on our communities is to simply do it ourselves…and so we’ve started this new organization called Community Driven. We welcome your help and partnership!

Suggested donation amounts:

$60 pays for our website for over 2 months.

$180 adds $15 per month to our annual budget.

$1,000 would pay for all of our costs & expenses for two full days of food rescue & distribution. Currently this means gas, insurance, vehicle repairs, & wages turning your $1,000 donation into somewhere between $10,000 & $20,000 worth of food that we can rescue and get to people in need.

$5,000 would honestly make some of our dreams come true right now. We would be able to complete our plans of installing portable & functional freezer & heating units in our new food rescue vehicle allowing us to keep food hot or frozen, depending on the need. There is a lot of catering food going to waste out there every day that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION in the Twin Cities is interested in rescuing. We are going to, it’s just a matter of how quickly we can raise the funds to do it safely & legally.

During our first fiscal year (May 2019 through April 2020), our Foodshare Program rescued & distributed over $103,000 worth of healthy food that would have gone into landfills. This was done in the same year that we built our infrastructure from scratch, with about 18% of our annual budget going to administrative costs & over $12 worth of food being rescued & distributed with every $1 we spent on our Foodshare Program!

Since then we’ve rescued over $230,000 worth of food EVERY fiscal year & we’re currently on the verge of major growth. We’re ready to add a new full day of food rescue & distribution to our routes, the only thing holding us back is making sure we have the funding to consistently afford it. Please consider making a recurring donation today to give us & you peace of mind!
